Book a Strategy Call with a VP of Sales

The $10M Pipeline Builder

Are You Tired of Spending a Fortune on Lead-Generation Ideas That Don’t Deliver?

Get an entire lead-gen system in just two weeks for a fraction of the cost of a VP of Sales

Book a Strategy Call with a VP of Sales

Let's face it, building a lead system from scratch is a massive undertaking. 

You need a VP of Sales to create the strategy, SDRs to execute it, or outsourcing companies to handle the work.

I know, because I’m a 5x head of sales and had to build lead gen systems from scratch at every one of those places.

All of these options are expensive, and they require significant time and resources.

Wouldn't it be great if you could bypass the hassle and still get a high-performing lead generation system?


That's where our $10M Pipeline Builder comes in. 


It's the ultimate lead generation system for B2B companies.  

In just two weeks, you'll have a system that delivers however many leads you tell it to every month, predictably and reliably, without having to spend a fortune on SDRs, BDRs, or outsourcing companies.

And the best part?

It only takes 15 minutes a day to manage.

That's right—you get all the benefits of a VP of Sales, but at a tiny fraction of the cost!


What Is It?

For the last 3 years, 50+ clients have had me setup their lead gen system and paid $20-50k for that. 

Results are great - but pricey.

So I...

  • Documented every teenie tiny step I took.
  • Templatized every document I created.
  • Hired a team to reduce the cost of research.

And then I gave it to my sister-in-law.


Because she's an (incredible) hairdresser who doesn't "know computers" - her words. 

So I figure, if SHE can build a lead gen system from scratch with my guidance, then anyone could do it.

14-days and 2 quick can-you-check-this-I-think-I'm-doing-it-right-but-can-you-check calls later - and she did it.

So I took that checklist

  • Upgraded every instruction

  • Upgraded every template

  • Upgraded every line of text

  • Added videos for clarity

  • Added context for more understanding, and

  • Dedicated time each week to guide people who need help

Then I gave that to four 1-person companies to see if someone who has no time could do it.

14-days and 2 quick can-you-check-this-I-think-I'm-doing-it-right-but-can-you-check calls later - and they did it. 

Now you get to stand on all of our shoulders by accessing the 14-Day Lead and Deals Accelerator, today.


Why Does it Work?

While everyone else is trying to figure out how to add complexity to their outreach - adding in videos, meme’s, and while zoominfo’s trying to tell you their intent software will change your life - real life looks a lot less sexy, but it’s also what actually works.

The combination for success is relevance + personalization + Content + scale. 


For Relevance

We work with you to define your Ideal Customer Profile and detailed personas, ensuring that you're targeting the right people from the start.

Now when we write a sequence of emails instead of writing 1 for 1000 people, we may have 1 that we duplicate 10x and tweak to precisely match what would be relevant for smaller segments of people. 

To deepen our relevance - we segment the groups into “insecurity moments” - meaning we don’t just reach out to CEO’s in denver in x industry, we reach out to ceo’s in denver in x industry that are coming up on their 12 month anniversary and are likely feeling insecure about how they’re going to fix their problems next year and ceo’s in denver in x industry who don’t have a VP of IT and have been around for 5 years so they likely have a ton of technical issues that’s holding them back from growing.


For Personalization

We generate a highly targeted list and enrich it with data that no one else has - how do I know?

Because we do it manually.

There’s an actual team who is going to find unique information like their first job out of school, the restaurant in their area, or the CEO of a competitor.


For Content

You get access to the email sequences we’ve tested 50,000 times a month for the last 2 years.

Our system uses email sequences that are proven to work in the B2B space. 

We’re learning at a faster rate than anyone else - seeing for example that as of 2 weeks ago long subject lines which were working wonders, contrary to popular belief, are now tanking and we’re switching to single word subject lines.


For Scale

We’ll give you access to a specialized tool which allows you to send 100x more emails than you can now without ever worrying about spam - not only because, as you can tell now, the emails we send are not spam, but because of the technical way it’s setup.

This means more leads for you while everyone else tries to spend 20 minutes crafting 1 email that’s going to the junk folder anyways. 

For additional scale and pressure - all of this can be added to a cold call, linkedin, or even in person campaign.

Imagine not making 1000 cold calls but making 100 cold calls to the 100 people who, based on the emails we’ve sent, are clearly the most interested in us - work smart not hard!

Oh, and I'll throw in your first 1,000 contacts ($.25/contact after that or you can use your own list!) 


What You Get 

  • Predictable Results: Our system generates up to however many leads you tell it to every month, allowing you to focus on closing deals instead of chasing prospects.
  • Complete Automation: The entire process is automated, from lead generation to email outreach to CRM tracking. You get the benefits of a VP of Sales without the hefty price tag.
  • Minimal Time Commitment: Spend just 15 minutes a day responding to leads—no more long hours managing a complex sales process.  

And that's not all.


But when you join our Leads Accelerator, you’ll have a new problem


You're going to need to close those deals, grow the team, and manage that team!

So I'm including these 2 Items for FREE.

The Official Deal Accelerator - Worth $10,000

This program drives a 30% win rate across your entire business and gives you that “professional sales team” that you’ve been looking for.

Not only does it include the latest sales scripts used by top reps from companies like John Deere and Salesforce, but you'll get step-by-step instructions for setting up your CRM, automating your sales processes, and tracking results with ease.

This is the exact plan I charge $30k for when a client hires me to build their sales system. 

The Official Leadership Accelerator - Worth $5,000/m

This program makes you the best sales manager, even if you’re not a good salesperson or manager.

I’ve taken the learnings of the last 10 years leading teams successfully and broken it down into the tactical changes that are required, giving you the simple knowledge, documents, and tools to have a high performing team without having to spend high amounts of time doing so.

Learn to hire, onboard, and retain top talent with our proven training and documentation.

And get insights into running key meetings and reporting results effectively. Instead of $5k/m that people are paying now, it’s included in this program

Plus Get These 4 Exciting New Bonuses For 100% Free

If You Purchase the $10 Pipeline Builder Right Now:


Get Every Single Digital Product I Offer -

Worth over $2,000

10+ templates, courses, and tactics for you to take advantage of today. 


12 Months of Group Coaching for You and Your Team -

Worth over $3,000 

16 Meetings/month of trainings, pipeline reviews, and call coaching sessions


Access to 1000+ Salespeople in the Official Community

Interact with and ask questions of 1000+ salespeople day to day


Get My Objection Handling Flash Cards

The Single Best Way to Handle Objections Easily

Book a Strategy Call with a VP of Sales

But, What Results Will I Get?

This system is for b2b companies with no head of sales that sell a non-commoditized product, software, or service. 

GrowthMatch: This content agency used our system to drive 20x more positive replies in just 30 days, spending less than an hour on it.

EPRSYS: This learning software company saw 4 closed customers per week within 60 days of using our system.

Bright Order: A trucking software company reduced costs by $250k and drove $300k in sales within 90 days by implementing our sales process."

And overall, we see typically 10-30 meetings/month from 1-6% reply rates all from automated emails

Book a Strategy Call with a VP of Sales

One More Thing


For the next 8 people who purchase, I'm going to supercharge your outreach.


In addition to The Machine to do the work


I'll give you 2,000 contacts to put through that machine.


Everyone else will enjoy super inexpensive lists of contacts no one else has access to - $.25/lead in fact but you - you'll get them for free!

You Also Get the



100% Money-Back



If, for any reason or for no reason at all, you aren't completely 110% satisfied after setting this up as I guide you to - you just keep everything and I'll personally guarantee you get a complete refund of your purchase price, no questions asked.


Why am I throwing down this no-risk guarantee? Because I've seen the jaw-dropping results firsthand… Some people even achieved a 30% increase in revenue with these new methods that are like gold dust, and I'm betting my bottom dollar they'll skyrocket your success too.


Just picture this: Smirking in your chair as your win-rates, closing rates, reply rates fly through the roof, bypassing the need for endless trial and error. Sound good? Damn right it does!

So Quit Stalling!

You're about to level up your game faster than you can say "closed won."

Book a Strategy Call with a VP of Sales


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